Bahamas - Level 859 - Crossword Explorer
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Bahamas - Level 859
Puzzle Version 21d. Letters between mus and xis:
1a. Professional basketball league in North America: Abbr.:
3d. "This is ___ new to me.": 2 wds.:
5d. ___ wave (result of an earthquake):
6d. Safari sight with a horny nose, for short:
6a. Makes sound like some dry leaves in motion:
7d. ___ law (ancient Frankish civil law code):
8d. Strange vehicle in the sky?: Abbr.:
8a. Radio initials between 300 to 3000 megahertz: Abbr.:
11a. ___ World Cup, a quadrennial sports tournament which was hosted by Russia in 2018:
12d. "Do we have ___ the ingredients mentioned in the cookbook?": 2 wds.:
14a. "We have four yeses and ___." (single rejection): 2 wds.:
16a. Nobelist Richard Feynman's old school: Abbr.:
17a. ___ Games, a quadrennial international sporting event which was first hosted in Athens:
18d. Hold down, like a wrestler:
19a. ___ the Hedgehog (video game franchise by Sega):
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