Belarus - Level 889 - Crossword Explorer
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Belarus - Level 889
Puzzle Version 11a. Word following "baseball" or "shower":
2d. Shakespeare's "___ Well That Ends Well":
4d. Ancient Greek unit of weight:
4a. Makes a decision, with "for":
5d. Bench presser's target muscle, for short:
7d. ___-mo (instant replay technique):
10a. Actor John from "The Little Minister":
11a. ___ de Chanel (fragrance):
12a. Numerical prefix meaning "eight":
13a. "How do you ___ your name?":
15a. Sue Grafton's "___ for Evidence": 2 wds.:
16d. Sophie Turner's character in "Game of Thrones":
17a. Action that lets you repost or distribute content to your friends:
20d. Participated in a marathon:
22d. "You've put me ___ awkward position...": 2 wds.:
24a. Minuscule amount or the ninth Greek letter:
25d. Computer addresses of a kind: Abbr. (anagram of "sip"):
25a. "I'm ___ mood to work": 2 wds.:
26a. Actor Michael of "Star Trek: The Next Generation":
27a. "Don't text and drive" ads, e.g.: Abbr.:
28a. American anti-pollution organization: Abbr.:
29a. ___ Andreas (fault line in California):
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