Ireland - Level 1039 - Crossword Explorer
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Ireland - Level 1039
2d. A sudden thought that could be a solution:
3d. China's ___ Xiaoping, the leader after Mao:
4d. Colin ___, world famous rally racer who also spawned a game series:
5d. A modern group emailing tool:
6d. "I won't say ___ that!": 2 wds.:
7d. A retail chain which is famous for its office supplies:
8d. Lukewarm, or half-hearted:
8a. Plantation in "Gone With the Wind":
12a. Shelley's "___ to the West Wind":
13a. What blood does after an injury (when it thickens):
14a. ___ Forman, the boy next door from "That '70s Show":
15a. The first two digit number:
16a. ___ Ora, a famous singer and actress who shot to fame with "Hot Right Now":
17a. Cooped up or confined (rhymes with "bent"):
18a. A once-famous Basilica which is now a famous museum in Istanbul, Turkey: 2 wds.:
19d. A letter-shaped piece of metal used in construction: Hyph.:
20d. Another word for a clue you would use when stuck:
21a. What you do at a Casino?:
22a. "Put a ___ on it" (Stop talking):
23d. When something is fitting or spot-on:
23a. ___ Romeo, a famous Italian sports car manufacturer:
24d. The Lion's constellation:
25d. Texting shorthand used when adding an enthusiastic emphasis to something:
27d. "Struck with ___" (to be left open-mouthed):
28d. ___-Haw, the sound a Donkey would make:
29d. To annoy or exasperate someone:
30a. Malaysia's twin skyscrapers the ___s, that were once the tallest buildings in the world: 2 wds.:
31d. Short for an opinion piece:
32d. A group of buildings in which nuns live, a convent:
33d. "Going down ___" (elevator question): 2 wds.:
34a. What you would do to a car that has broken down:
35a. A wrinkly faced, tiny dog:
36a. To cause a stench (rhymes with "meek"):
37d. Another word for a traffic cone:
37a. It is mightier than the sword, according to some:
38d. An online network admin: Abbr.:
39d. Cousins to frogs, which are said to cause warts (plural):
40d. Gaming giants who made the "Genesis" and also created "Sonic the Hedgehog":
40a. The ___ House, Australia's famous performing arts centre: 2 wds.:
41d. One of the races in H.G Wells' "The Time Machine":
42d. ___-a-Sketch, a popular drawing toy:
43d. A word for a hedonistic man or a scoundrel:
44d. Small soldiers, hill-dwellers you would find in your kitchen (plural):
45d. A unit of resistance (rhymes with "gnome"):
45a. ___ Hershiser, once a famous pitcher for the Dodgers:
46d. To regret, or feel sorry about something:
47a. Queen ___, sister of Anna from Disney's "Frozen":
48a. 2,000 pounds make up a ___:
49a. ___ Weaving, who played "Agent Smith" in "The Matrix":
50a. A large cross or crucifix (rhymes with "mood"):
51a. Something you would do with a pair of scissors:
52a. To be a nasty or not so nice person:
53a. Sounds a puppy would make (plural):
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