Panama - Level 600 - Crossword Explorer
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Panama - Level 600
Puzzle Version 11d. Sundar Pichai, for Google: Abbr.:
2d. "Barbara ___" (song by The Beach Boys):
4a. Hydrocarbon endings (anagram of "seen"):
5d. Taken to a restaurant table:
6d. ___ Mondrian, 20th century Dutch painter known for "Broadway Boogie Woogie":
7d. "Pertaining to," in a memo: Abbr.:
8d. ___ Reynolds, Canadian actor who starred in "Deadpool":
9d. Tongue-clicking sound of disappointment:
10a. ___ Rudolph, actress who played Deanne McKenzie in the comedy film "Grown Ups":
13d. James ___, English singer who released the album "Assume Form" in 2019:
15a. "As seen on TV" record label: Abbr.:
16a. Actress Malone of "The Hunger Games":
17a. Scored 100 on a test, say:
18d. Panorama device, for short:
19a. Kit ___, wafer bar brand:
20a. First responder initials:
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