Panama - Level 614 - Crossword Explorer
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Panama - Level 614
Puzzle Version 12d. Actress Witherspoon of "Legally Blonde":
3d. Number ranked in series, like "first," "second," "third":
5d. "Things ___ always what they seem ...":
7d. Palindromic Vietnamese New Year:
8a. Suffix with "mountain" or "auction":
10a. "Z," phonetically in British English:
12a. "___ 'em!" (attack command to a guard dog, perhaps):
14d. "We ___ additives" (food manufacturer's claim): 2 wds.:
15a. Ambient music producer Brian ___ of "By This River":
16a. Genre for some comedians:
17d. Caught with the cheese, say: 3 wds.:
19d. Space inhabitants: Abbr.:
21d. American poet ___ Frost of "The Road Not Taken":
23a. Aquatic bird (rhymes with "moon"):
24a. Vanity Fair and New Yorker, for short:
25a. Sacha Baron Cohen character from Kazakhstan:
27d. School's curriculum checker group: Abbr.:
28d. Kylo portrayed by Adam Driver:
29d. "You're one ___ million": 2 wds.:
30d. Opposite of pro, on a list:
33d. Sot's problem, for short:
36a. Tiny insect that may crave for sugar: 2 wds.:
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