Slovenia - Level 3187 - Crossword Explorer
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Slovenia - Level 3187
1d. Towards the back of a boat:
1a. "___ girl!" (encouraging expression):
3d. "My country, ___ of thee...":
5d. China holds a record in this sport with a total of 266 medals: 2 wds.:
5a. ___ pedal (guitar accessory):
7d. "___ the Week" (1930s record label): 2 wds.:
8d. Netherlands holds a record of winning this sport's world Cup (women) eight times: 2 wds.:
10d. Responded to the alarm, with "up":
11a. Deceptive move in boxing, e.g.:
12d. Sports group with a mascot:
13a. Prefix with "graph" or "gram":
14a. "It's ___-win situation" (lose-lose): 2 wds.:
16a. Addam's cousin in "The Addams Family":
17a. William Shatner's "___War":
18a. German American puppeteer Tony ___:
19d. Send a patient to another doctor, say:
22a. Move on a blanket of ice:
23d. Toy with a tail that can fly:
24d. Canada holds a record in this sport with a total of 21 medals: 2 wds.:
25a. "I am not impressed" exclamation:
28a. Internet slang often used for victory: Abbr.:
29d. Dentist's request when checking the mouth (comparative form):
30a. Organization that co-sanctions the Evian Championship: Abbr.:
31d. ___ Campbell of Country music:
33a. Second largest university in the US which overlooks the Rio Grande river: Abbr.:
35a. Giants quarterback, Manning:
36a. United States holds a record of winning this sport's world cup 24 times:
37a. Soda brand with fruity flavors:
38a. Get unburdened. with "of":
39a. "Who ___ the dogs out...":
40a. Baseball legend, Mel ___:
41d. Wrote a letter using a keyboard, say:
44a. "Man ___ mission": 2 wds.:
48d. Holes or cavities in the ground:
52a. Curriculum ___ (written overview of one's career):
53d. Day after Wednesday, for short:
57a. Very long period of time:
61a. ___ Wrestling, popular sport of Japan:
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